Our team

The Angro team consists of more than 70 passionate professionals who are daily active in the development, production and marketing of leg fashion and fashion accessories. Meet our company and our products and discover the many possibilities of Angro. The contact persons below will be happy to help you.

Huub van Vught

Management & Head of Sales / Buying

Eric Serrarens

Management & Head of Operations and Finance

Astrid Serrarens

Management & Head of Administration

Yoann de Boer

Sales France

Edwin van den Broek

International Sales Manager

Sofie Kerkhofs

Sales Belgium

Marianne Bouman

Sales Sarlini / Holland

Wietse Lubben

Sales Holland

Rembrandt van Rijn

Sales Germany / Austria / Switserland

Guido van den Heuvel

Sales Germany

Stef Vercaigne

Sales France

Guus Timmermans

Sales Holland

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